
In 2002, we implemented a quality management system certified according to the international ISO 9001 standard.

Since 2006, our quality management policy has been integrated with an environmental policy to maximize the effectiveness of both. Our certifications include ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o., CDCDP, UL 50, UL 508 A


We adopt appropriate measures to ensure the perfect quality of the final product, in keeping with the requirements of the quality management policy. We focus systematically on the management, control and improvement of all processes within the company. On the basis of a series of analyses, we set measurable quality objectives for each department in the company and in the event of non-compliance, we investigate the causes and take measures to minimize or eliminate the risk of further occurrence.

The key products in our portfolio (especially cabinets) not only undergo strict inspection, but are also certified in accordance with the requirements of TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o. certification authority. We go beyond simply adhering to the requirements for management system and product certifications and apply a range of measures to ensure continuous improvement in both areas.

We extend our commitment to the highest quality also to our suppliers, who are required to comply with stringent conditions to support our quality objectives and our effort to create added value for the customer. You can therefore be sure that CONTEG-branded cabinets are always made from first-class materials and components.

We are involved in the EKO-KOM Pooled Fulfillment System under the client number F00025580.

Our commitment to environmental protection

We are a truly green company

In accordance with the international ISO 14001:2004 standard, we have implemented a certified system for the managements of the environmental impact of all our activities, services and products, both in the production phase and throughout the entire life cycle of our products. This is declared as the company management’s commitment in the environmental policy, which has been integrated with the quality policy since 2006.



Our commitment to environmental protection
We take environmental protection very seriously and responsibly

We define an environmental policy every year based on measurable objectives for individual departments of the company and monitor and require their implementation. Whenever certain task ensuing from the environmental programs fails to be accomplished, we take corrective measures to identify and eliminate the cause to prevent the recurrence of negative environmental impacts.

We are a green company

Our company has joined the Green Company project. This means that our employees can hand in their end-of-life electrical devices, batteries and accumulators free of charge

They do not need to travel to a special collection point, which encourages them to act in an environmentally friendly way as recycling turns waste into reusable material.

Employees can simply discard disused household appliances and batteries in a dedicated collection box located at .... The project also allows our company to collect and recycle large amounts of e-waste free of charge.

View certificate
The aim of the Green Company project is to protect the environment by ensuring collection and efficient recycling of disused electrical devices.

These contain many hazardous substances such as mercury, lead, cadmium and brominated flame retardants, but also a large amount of recyclable and reusable materials.


The project was initiated by REMA, a company which specializes in organizing the collection, sorting and recycling of end-of-life electrical equipment, portable batteries and accumulators throughout the Czech Republic.

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