Temperature and humidity sensor

Temperature and humidity sensor with a 30 cm long cable.

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Temperature and humidity sensor
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Product introduction

Temperature and humidity sensors are essential in environments where optimal temperature and humidity needs to be maintained. A cooling failure or extraordinary fluctuations of physical conditions may cause damage to data, delicate electronic equipment or damage to stock. Up to 8 of these sensors can be connected to RAMOS Optimax.

Order code: RMS-I-STH

Information For download
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Key features

Product line name

Temperature and humidity sensor

Technical information

Temperature sensor
Measurement range -40 °C to +75 °C

Measurement resolution 1%

Measurement accuracy ± 0.2 °C in the range -10 °C to +75 °C

Humidity sensor
Measurement range 0 to 100% relative humidity

Measurement resolution 0.5%

Measurement accuracy at 25 °C is ±5%


Automatic device recognition

The detector is powered by the main device

Extensible with a standard CAT5/6 patch cable

RMS-I-CON extension coupling is included in the package

The maximum length of the cable extension is 30 m

For download



File size: 51.78 kB
Uploaded: 17. 12. 2024
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