Central mounting plate for freestanding FSE series cabinets.
Bars, mounting plates, lighting, hinged frame, door stop, storage shelves, grounding, sealing bottoms, side panels, connection kits, partitioning wall, sealing kit, etc.
Central mounting plate for freestanding FSE series cabinets.
The wall is suitable for separating individual fields of FSE cabinet rows.
100 mm or 200 mm plinth as a fixed base for FSE cabinets
Perforated mounting rails to create additional mounting planes in free-standing cabinets.
Rails for FSE and FSM cabinets for mounting of heavy-weight accessories
Bars for mounting of components on the inside of the doors of FSE and FSM cabinets
Channels for the FSE and FSM cabinets are mounted on the side profiles, a mounting plate or between the side profiles of the frame (recessed mounting).
Rails for attaching 19" accessories in FSE cabinets
19" rail brackets for FSE and FSM cabinets with a width of 600 and 800 mm
To create a hinged 19" plane and access to the back of the 800 mm wide cabinet
Cable trays for cable routing with two brushes or PU seal
Special sealing 100% waterproof ionomer tape